Tuesday 2 April 2013

Lunch is served!

I awoke this morning, knowing exactly what lunch was going to be. Although my morning ritual, some days I think I put together my meals still sleeping as nights tend to be too short at times. I despise purchasing lunch for several reasons, among them the stress of getting something worth my money. I think the biggest drive for me to create magic in the kitchen on mornings comes from knowing who is dependent on me. My loving husband whose pounds are all courtesy me, the baby who became mine overnight, my brother in law whose wife’s unexpected death left him a single parent, my mother in law and the baby sitter look forward to their meals from me daily. Many mornings I get up, walk into the kitchen and get pots on the stove before I can decide what I want to prepare.

Not this morning though, I know exactly what I was going to whip up. Three pots on the fire at the same time resulted in a stove-top barbqued chicken, wrapped in a blanket of slowly simmered  rum infused sauce. Who said whole-wheat pasta was for old folks? In my determination to be somewhat healthy, I wrapped my twirls in a zesty dressing of packaged mayonnaise which was accented with fresh garlic and dotted with green peas, shredded carrots and crunchy corn. Simple can be effective and I proved it at lunch! A vegetable fried rice, golden brown and dotted with orange carrot cubes, whitish-green christophene cubes and whole corn kernels made my fried rice a success. One hour ten minutes and I was done with lunch and ready to devour my breakfast. 


  1. i have no idea why you would call that lunch simple.... rice and corned beef simple.....lol but yes it sound very tasty indeed and i hope you cooked enough for all those children you have there....
